Backorder Policy


Availability status explanation:

  • In stock (can be backordered) = Regular product, more than 5 in stock, will be backordered if order quantity exceeds stock quantity.
  • Available on backorder = Regular product, currently out of stock but will be restocked soon and can be backordered.
  • Out of stock = Non-regular product or discontinued product, currently or no longer in stock. Can not be backordered.
  • Only x left in stock = Remaining stock less than 5 pieces. Not available for backorder; might not be restocked.

Backorder Policy:

If your order contains in-stock products and backordered products, we will ship your entire order only after all quantities are available again. We recommend to place separate orders for products in stock and for backordered items to avoid unnecessary shipping delays. We will ship products on backorder as soon as we have them back in stock.

Lead time for products on backorder:

Out-of-stock regular products will be restocked quickly. The lead time typically does not exceed 10 business days.